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Feldenkrais Method Brings Effortless Movement

By November 16, 2016March 25th, 2021No Comments

Who Benefits from the Feldenkrais sessions?
Anyone—young or old, physically challenged or physically fit—can benefit from Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais is beneficial for those experiencing chronic or acute pain of the back, neck, shoulder, hip, legs or knee, as well as for healthy individuals who wish to release tension and improve athletic performance. Feldenkrais has been very helpful in dealing with central nervous system conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and stroke. Musicians, actors and artists can extend their abilities and enhance creativity. Many seniors enjoy using it to retain or regain their ability to move without strain or discomfort and improve balance. Feldenkrais is also very effective for treating various neurological disorders in children (see next question).
After a session you often feel taller and lighter, breathe more freely and find that your discomforts have eased. You experience relaxation, and feel more centered and balanced.
Here are examples of recent successes clients have accomplished after receiving individual Feldenkrais sessions:
• a 78-year old man walks a mile daily, free of chronic knee pain he’s had for 30 years.
• a 32-year old man learns to reuse his hands after a crippling auto accident.
• a 42 year old computer programmer with incipient wrist problems is able to increase his speed on the keyboard after learning how to use his arms and hands more efficiently.
• a 28 year old woman goes through her third pregnancy, but the first one without back pain.
• a 55-year old woman is able to lift her affectionate 2 year old granddaughter without straining her back.
• a 9-year old with learning disabilites can read a full page competently and gains self-confidence in his intelligence.
Does Feldenkrais practitioner work with children?
Yes, Feldenkrais is very effective in working with children with developmental difficulties. In order to have the greatest impact on a child’s learning and development it is necessary to work with a child as soon as possible. In the sessions, each child is given the possibility of engaging in a gentle and natural learning process based on movement.

Yulia works with children with a wide range of suspected or confirmed diagnosis’ including but not limited to: ADD/ADHD, Amputee, Anxiety, Asperger’s Syndrome, Asthma, Ataxia, Autism, Balance issues, Behavioral Difficulties, Birth defect, Brachial Plexus Compression, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Injury, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Learning disability, Neurological disorders, Postural difficulties, Premature Birth, Scoliosis, Spasticity, Spina Bifida, Spinal cord injuries, structural anomalies (ex. club foot), TMJ, Torticolis, Tourette Syndrome, and Trauma.

What happens in an Individual Feldenkrais session?
Private Feldenkrais lessons, called Functional Integration, are tailored to each student’s individual learning needs; the teacher guides your movements through touch.

Functional Integration is performed with the student fully clothed, usually lying on a table or with the student in sitting or standing positions. At times, various props (pillows, rollers, blankets) are used in an effort to support the person’s body configuration or to facilitate certain movements. The learning process is carried out without the use of any invasive or forceful procedure.
Functional Integration is a hands-on form of tactile, kinesthetic communication. The practitioner communicates how you organize your body and, through gentle touching and movement, conveys the experience of comfort, pleasure and ease of movement while you learn how to reorganize your body and behavior in new and more expanded functional motor patterns. Yulia develops each session for you, custom-tailored to your unique configuration at that particular moment, relating to a need you have.
How Does the Feldenkrais Method Differ from Massage and Chiropractic?
The similarity is that both practices touch people, but beyond that Feldenkrais is very different. In massage, the practitioner is working directly with the muscles, in chiropractic, with the bones. These are structural approaches that seek to affect change through changes in structure (muscles and spine). The Feldenkrais Method works with your ability to regulate and coordinate your movement; which means working with the nervous system.
What is the best frequency of Feldenkrais sessions?
Most people prefer 1 or 2 weekly private sessions.  Many clients also combine their private sessions with weekly group classes and lesson recordings Yulia assigns.  For children, it’s recommended to have 2 sessions per week.
What is the duration of a Feldenkrais Session?

60 minutes long. For infants and children under 4, recommended sessions are 30 minutes long.

Yulia Kriskovets

Author Yulia Kriskovets

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