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Teal Center Happenings

Mindful and Compassionate Service

By April 21, 2014March 26th, 2021No Comments

On Saturday May 17, Healwell (a non-profit co-founded by The Teal Center’s founder, Brenda Teal, along with fellow massage therapist, Lauren Cates) presents a Mindful and Compassionate Service seminar with Frank Ostaseskiinternationally recognized teacher and pioneer in compassionate service. Ostaseki will address topics that are important for people in healthcare, including massage therapists and bodyworkers, and for all of us who care and serve in some way. 

During this one-day seminar he will explore three key elements that support healthy, renewing and sustainable ways to serve that lead to an experience that is invigorating, rather than depleting. The development of self awareness leads to self-responsibility, an ability to concentrate on tasks, emotional resilience, self-knowledge and an integrated sense of well-being.

Cultivating compassion fosters self-care and an empathetic engagement with others that present-time oriented, has healthy boundaries and is sensitively attuned. Then we combine self-awareness and compassion with the tools of skillful action that are necessary to serve others effectively with gratitude and commitment.

The Mindful and Compassionate Service seminar presented by Healwell will take place Saturday, May 17, from 8 AM to 5 PM at the Friends Meeting in Washington, DC.

• The Relationship of Service
• The Guidance of Compassion
• Ways we try to Avoid Suffering
• Finding Meaning and Motivation
• Freedom from the Limitations of  Roles
• The Gifts of the Wounded Healer

Co-founder of the Zen Hospice Project, creator of the Metta Institute, featured in television and print productions, honored by the Dalai Lama, Frank Ostaseski is a dynamic and visionary Buddhist teacher and international lecturer.

Find out more an register here:

Kate Trygstad

Author Kate Trygstad

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