Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy also known as low field magnetic stimulation has been shown through clinical trials to reduce musculoskeletal pain and has been approved by the FDA for arthritis and fibromyalgia. Other studies have shown a production of GABA which improves outcomes for neurological conditions, such as depression and anxiety.
In general, PEMF supports our cellular health through what’s been called “cellular exercise.” Through the course of our busy lives, the energy available to our cells diminishes, and bone loss and muscular atrophy can occur in the absence of magnetic fields. The Teal Center’s PEMF system replenishes energy in the cells through the application of electromagnetic fields and far infrared heat.
PEMF therapy causes your cells to expand and contract, similarly to when you work out at the gym. Just like your muscles, your cells need to be strong. Exercising the cell in this way allows for an exchange of fluids. Toxins are expelled. Fresh minerals, nutrients, and water enter cell-stimulating optimal function providing an amazing wellness therapy to aid the body’s natural ability to heal!