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Recipes and Food Wisdom

Recipe:  Masala Almond Milk

By February 6, 2015August 22nd, 2022No Comments

masala almond milkThis all-natural dairy alternative may actually be better than traditional cow’s milk.  If you like chai or indian-style rice pudding, you will love it.  Plus, it’s simple to prepare.  If you are on a restricted diet and longing for a special treat, try this!  It’s delightful in a hot latte – take it to the next level by sprinkling some garam masala on top!

A nut milk bag is an inexpensive and useful straining tool, though you can use cheesecloth instead. (Apparently using cheesecloth is a bit of a messy proposition!)


½ cup whole almonds, soaked in plenty of water for 4-24 hours

2 cups water

¼ teaspoon powdered ginger

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

several grinds of black pepper

seeds from one green cardamom pod, or 1/8 t cardamom powder

1-2 whole dates, pits removed (organic medjool dates are recommended)

pinch of salt


Drain and rinse the almonds. Put all ingredients in a blender and process on high power until very smooth. Pour mixture into a nut milk bag over a bowl. Wash hands, and gradually squeeze the milk out of the pulp left in the bag.  (Some people dry the remaining pulp in the oven at a low temperature and use the resulting “almond meal” in muffins of other baked goods.)

This level of spice is aromatic, but mild enough to replace everyday almond milk – it won’t ruin your breakfast cereal!  The fragrance of the cardamom especially adds a little magic to the milk.

© Eliza Rowley McEmrys, 2015

Eliza Rowley McEmrys

Author Eliza Rowley McEmrys

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