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Spring: a fair wind for a fresh start

By March 12, 2015March 26th, 2021No Comments

Some years are distracting. And when Chinese New Year — which marks the beginning of Spring in the lunar calendar — begins, I think, “Thank goodness.  A second chance to re-commit to my new year’s resolutions that didn’t quite take.”  And sometimes, the second round of resolution flags again.

If you’ve been here, I have good news.  A fresh opportunity is on the horizon.  The optimal time of re-birth and blossoming, the spring equinox, is at our doorsteps.  When the weather warms, our natural instinct is to throw open the windows and let the stagnant air of winter out.  We clean and organize our homes.  We walk in the sunlight and breathe deeply.  We remember that things truly do begin again.

If you’re not feeling as well as you’d like, even if you know what you “should” be doing to feel better, this is a perfect time to ride the energy of change in the air.  Having acupuncture near the Spring equinox is terrific, but if you’ve been struggling to make a change – even a small one — or if you have transformation on your mind, I want to encourage you to stretch.

Ask yourself: “What would it look like for me to take this ‘third chance’ seriously?  How can I make a deep commitment to my wellbeing and growth, for the good of everyone whose life I touch?”  You could book a series of acupuncture treatments, or sign up for Qi Gong, and that would be lovely.  You’ll experience some shifts in perspective and feel different in your body.  You’ll have some accountability.  But what if you added a deep internal commitment to follow through: “I’m not just going to show up and let them put needles in me and see if I change, I’m going to take seriously what this practitioner asks of me.”  Because this is your one wild and precious life, as Mary Oliver writes, and if you’re not feeling so good and there’s something you can do about it, here’s your chance.  Think about it – really think about it.

Spring cleaning isn’t always comfortable or pretty, but it’s important.  The earth comes alive not just with the fragrances of flowers, but also of the fall leaves decomposing.  It’s a package deal.  So in our bodies we feel a resurgence of energy and optimism as the world literally grows brighter, and at the same time we may have flare-ups of chronic conditions, allergies, and rashes.  So, support is important.

In truth, we begin again with each moment.  But there are windows of opportunity when the winds are blowing favorably: when nature herself supports our rebirth and renewal.  Let’s ride that wind to lives with better health — with more energy to pursue our goals and dreams.  Then, when the winds change, we’ll be strong and clear-sighted enough to keep to our own course.

Eliza Rowley McEmrys

Author Eliza Rowley McEmrys

More posts by Eliza Rowley McEmrys

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