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A coworker recently pointed out something awesome that I’ve been neglecting to be grateful for. When you work as a massage therapist on your own, it’s just YOU. You bring to the table (ha!) your knowledge, skills, and abilities for your clients. But as a Teal Team member, I have 25 different modalities, 21 separate therapists, years of experience, and decades of training and expertise all “at my fingertips”.

If a client comes to see me with a problem, issue or need that my coworker specializes in and has demonstrated results with for other clients, I have that colleague in my “Teal Toolbox” – and even better, so does my client.  A key value we function by is, “Whatever is best for the client; is best for me.”

The Team Teal Advantage works logistically, as well as therapeutically. When I’m booked, I know I can refer my clients to my colleagues with confidence. After three years of working with our team, my schedule is booked. I love my clients, especially my regulars. But when I am booked, I can be assured that clients don’t have to skip a session or wait in pain until an appointment opens on my schedule. This benefits everyone, especially clients (and that’s what matters most)! Naturally, clients have their “favorite” therapist, but the savviest Teal Center clients often choose to sample different therapists’ modalities and tap into the expertise of others who can relieve their pain when they need the treatment.

I don’t have to know how to do every modality, treatment or specialty, so this frees me to dig deeper into learning about my passion: anatomically precise treatments for pain relief, client education and empowerment, and lately neck and hip pain. I can do what I do best because I have a whole crew of teammates who “have my back.”

So when folks ask me why I don’t go out on my own, I can honestly say it’s just not worth it. With the Teal Team Advantage, my clients have options and access to the best possible scenarios, and so do I.

Angelee Oh

Author Angelee Oh

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