Collagen is an ally for skin, joints, heart, and even hair and nails. Some studies have shown that adults taking collagen have significant reduction of joint pain. Collagen also diminishes wrinkle depth and aids the regrowth of hair, making it beneficial as part of an anti-aging protocol. Skip to main content
Natural Remedies

Why take collagen as a supplement?

By July 8, 2021No Comments

I never used to take supplements, subscribing to the worthy idea that my food should be my medicine. As I got older, however, I noticed the obvious signs of aging set in, and so I began to reevaluate my iron-clad ideas. I wondered if it was possible to support my body with more dense nutrition and so ease some of the external signs of physical change.

Like all good things in life, an answer came without my putting much energy into the search. Enter collagen. I already knew about it—it is the most abundant protein in our human bodies, forming the connective tissue that supports healthy skin. Powdered versions of this supplement are available in pharmacies or online. Some wellness programs also offer collagen injections to people desiring more youthful hydration for their skin. Collagen has become a fad in the wellness industry.

So what makes collagen so desirable? First, it is a critical component of the fascia shaping our bodies, some form of which wraps every muscle bundle and organ that make us who we are. It gives skin its structural container, and it strengthens bones. Collagen is an ally for skin, joints, heart, and even hair and nails. Some studies have shown that adults taking collagen have significant reduction of joint pain. Collagen also diminishes wrinkle depth and aids the regrowth of hair, making it beneficial as part of an anti-aging protocol.

Thanks to a series of fortunate events, Teal Center came in contact with a high quality form of marine collagen manufactured by Isagenix. This type 1 collagen, the most prevalent form of collagen in the human body, contains proline, an amino acid that helps build lean muscle, as well as assists bones with mineral uptake, a possible consideration for those looking for bone density support.

This elixir, as it is labeled, comes in the form of peptides, small, more easily absorbed collagen bits, which enable greater bioavailability than the longer fibers found in the marine fish (cod and pollack) from which the collagen is sourced. For anyone like myself who may remember childhood doses of cod liver oil, this definitely isn’t that. It is bottled in 0.15 seconds to ensure freshness and maximum benefit. And when the top is opened, the only odor and taste experienced is that of delicious summer berries. How Isagenix creates such beneficial deliciousness is its own secret.

Besides the quality of the collagen, Teal became interested in the company because of its sustainability stance. Isagenix is on target to be carbon neutral by 2025, with all packaging recyclable. In addition, it does its due diligence regarding sourcing the fish that provide the collagen. Although sustainability of ocean resources is a difficult goal to prove, some of the sourced fish come from cod fisheries in the Atlantic, heavily regulated for sustainability by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). That Isagenix was concerned about sustainability before it became a commonly used term for care of Earth resources is to their credit.

Collagen isn’t a magic bullet. Practicing patterns of good health and keeping love in your heart have long been important keys to healing most ailments life brings. But a good source of collagen, one that is both bioavailable and that we can consume without feeling we are bringing sizable harm to any living being, helps to smooth out the rougher edges of daily life. It helps the body maintain resilience, whatever stress the day may bring.

Mary Maruca

Author Mary Maruca

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